Singing Guide: Brian's Song

Singing Guide: Brian's Song

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Brian's Song is a beautiful and emotional tribute to American football player Brian Piccolo, who died aged twenty-six from cancer. One of the most famous performances of the song comes from Jack Lemmon in the 1971 movie "Brian's Song."

Piccolo had a singing voice that both crooned with vitality and roared with powerful emotion. You can learn to sing like Piccolo by emulating his style and practicing regularly.

To sing like Brian Piccolo, focus on opening your mouth wide enough to clearly enunciate each word. Work on projecting your voice in a clear and vibrant tone while maintaining excellent breath support. Be sure to strengthen your diaphragm muscles by practicing the Farinelli Breathing exercise and open your throat for more resonance.

Songs that showcase Piccolo's singing style include "The Morning Of," "We've Got To Reach Out," and "You Are the Sunshine of My Life." These songs contain a great blend of passion and technical ability.

To improve your singing voice and reach new heights, use Singing Carrots' resources. Start with the Vocal range test and Pitch accuracy test to establish your current skill level. Then use Pitch Training to improve your pitch accuracy and range. Once you have some training, use the Song search tool to find songs within your range to practice with.

  • Check out the Singing Carrots articles on:
  • Breathing basics
  • Breath support
  • Open mouth and throat

which will all help you hit high notes like Brian Piccolo. Also, browse articles on how to analyze your voice and find your authentic voice to truly make his singing style your own.

I hope this article will inspire you to explore Brian Piccolo's unique singing style and to develop your own singing voice.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.